Saturday 1 February 2014

What's been happening...

Well, it's been a while since I posted. I am happy to say that all but one of the puppies from our last litter found homes before Christmas - we still have one beautiful little girl waiting for her forever home (more on her in another post). Our family spent the Christmas holidays in Mexico while some friends house- and dog-sat for us. It was a good year to go south, as the month of December had been cold and snowy - and the month of January snoyw, cold, and icy - the Monday after we returned from Mexico was so slippery outside it was dangerous walking, and just when it was about cleared up we had another freezing rain storm the following weekend, so Saturday we hardly dared to venture outside again. Thankfully, that was followed by several warm days that melted the ice and a bit of snow and streets and sidewalks cleared. But then of course we got more snow, and deep cold, and more snow and cold...

During all this time the dogs were getting rather cabin crazy, as we didn't take them out for more than a few minutes when it was so cold. Finally we set up our agility equipment in the basement rec roomso we'd have a means of giving them some exercise without having to face the -20 to -30 temps outside. It is a bit cramped, but we can just fit all the jumps and 3' tunnel and the weave poles (the largest item) in a tight course. Other than that, every so often they just start chasing each other back and forth on the main floor, and going around the kitchen-back hall-dining room circuit like mad little demons, so I know they're anxious to be able to get outside and run, run, run.

Finally this past week we've had some warmer temps without freezing rain, so one actually doesn't mind spending a bit of time outside. This morning we took all 3 dogs outside for a good half-hour romp and they had a blast. Of course,t he big problem now is all the salt on the roads and sidewalks that hurts their feet. Someday I hope someone invents some dog booties that actually stay on and the dogs don't mind - there, that's a challenge for you!! We've tried the rubber-balloon type ones and they're not too bad, they stay on better but the dogs still aren't keen on them.

So, happy February, everyone - spring is that much closer!! (We'll see what the groundhog predicts tomorrow...) And Happy Chinese New Year, too! Xin Nian Kuai Le!! The Year of the Horse is now here, and we'll gallop through the year with joy and abandon.

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