Tuesday 3 April 2012

Galaxy has a home!

On Monday, March 26, we welcomed Christine, Frank, Martin & Christoph to visit our puppies, and they decided to take our sweet little Galaxy to be their family dog. She went home last Friday night to a rural wooded lot in Chelsea. Lucky dood! 

Now that I've found my camera, here is a photo of the happy new family! (Mom was out of town so just Dad & boys came.)

It was one of those happy-sad occasions to see her go – we are always overjoyed when a good family provides a home to one of our lovely pups, but a little bit sad to say good-bye. Thankfully Galaxy is going to a home in the region, so we may have the chance to see her again at one of our Doodle Romps.

The house is getting quieter now. Cardinal also went home last night, and Aspen will be leaving in a week’s time. But we still have Ariel & Leo to place. (Puppy anyone?!!?) And new pups due in just 3 weeks!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello - this is Galaxy's new family!
    Galaxy has been with us now for one week! She has met pretty much all the neighbourhood dogs (some of them rather big ...) and lots of children (who all wanted to pick her up and carry her away :-) However, she slowly but surely takes control of her environment. She is almost potty trained (no accidents for the last three days!!) And she even slept through the entire night last night!
    Everyone is impressed how mature and well behaved she already is - considering her age.
