Tuesday 20 May 2014

DragonRam Katniss Alice Cloverdeen

Third of Phoenix's pups to say good-bye, Katniss Alice Cloverdeen is the gorgeous black phantom female that we are keeping as a breeding prospect. Like her brother, Cumin, she is expected to contribute to helping us produce lots of lovely phantom doodles. Of course, we will need to find another boy to use with her as we can't use her brother.

Katniss Alice went to a Guardian Home with a family that has one of our other pups, Leo de Janeiro. Leo is black and white with a scruffy coat as he has "improper coat" - but he's a gorgeous and lovely boy nonetheless. In fact, he's a big suck! We know he will be a good big brother to Katniss Alice.

The temperament evaluation on Katniss Alice had this to say:
Katness is a balanced puppy with equal parts of social and independent characteristics. She is sensible and will take a moment to observe before reacting. She is very affectionate and will lick your face if allowed to do so. She will come to humans for direction and for comfort. She is curious about new environments and will explore with human permission. She enjoys toys and appears to ‘come alive’ with play. She is food motivated and easily trainable. She will quickly learn to settle and enjoy being in her crate for rest periods. Chew articles will be helpful to keep her occupied during quiet times.
As I mentioned after the evaluation, the three female pups went from one end of the "outgoing" scale to the other, and Katniss Alice was the puppy right in the middle of her two extreme sisters! "Balanced" is a good description indeed.

Katniss is going to a well-balanced home, with two human sisters to play with her and a mom and dad who will take good care of her and ensure she gets everything she needs but isn't spoiled.

We wish you well and we'll see you at our next Doodle Romp in June!

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