Friday 16 December 2011

Doodle Romp Report

Last Saturday’s Doodle Romp was a great time! Besides our three – Amore, Aspen, and Garnet – we were joined by Cassi & Lyra from Garnet’s last litter and by our stud prospect Kodiak & his house-mate Snickers (who is not a doodle).

The day was fine – a mix of sun and cloud, warmish but not hot, with a bit of snow still on the ground (which has since disappeared owing to rain and continuing warm weather). We tried out Pine Hill, a small NCC park in the Rockcliffe Park part of town. It is definitely smaller than Conroy Pit – we did the circuit of the park twice and were still done in under an hour. Just as we were leaving, two members of Garnet’s family found us and said hello to us and to Garnet – she was very excited to see them and I’m sure disappointed that she couldn’t go home with them yet.

Cassi & Lyra have both grown! They are a bit bigger than their Mama though not yet Amore’s size. Both look happy, healthy, and well-cared for. They definitely remembered each other, as well as Amore (not sure how much they remembered Mama Garnet – but she was gone by the time they were 8 weeks old so they didn’t spend as much time with her as with Amore). Apparently Lyra has learned that she can’t tackle all the big dogs in the park!

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