Friday, 8 March 2013

Puppy school

The puppies took a field trip today – they got to go to school! Every litter of puppies we’ve had has visited my children’s school, to the delight of children and teachers alike. They are still small enough that we could fit all six of them into a small puppy crate – it was a bit full but they still had a bit of room to move around, and they’re used to lying all in a heap anyhow so no big deal. 

We arrived at school just as the children were coming in, so it was very noisy in the hallways. We quickly took the pups upstairs to the Grade 7 classroom where it was quiet (before the kids arrived) and my daughter, her classmate, her teacher & I too them out and gave them some cuddles. They were all just dandy, not quaking at all – at least not right then. A few moments later the kids arrived and after the national anthm and announcements, we gave a brief into and then passed one pup to each table of 5-6 children to hold and play with. 

Some of the kids are a bit shy or scared of dogs. There are many immigrant kids in this school and some of those kids (or their parents) have a dim view of dogs, likely because the only dogs they’ve been familiar with in their home countries are street dogs – wild and indeed dangerous. But I think even those kids enjoy seeing the puppies and it’s likely good for them to experience what a sweet creature a dog can be if raised as a pet and give loving attention. 

After about 25 minutes we put them back in the crate and headed down to the Grade 4 classroom. Here the kids sat in a circle on the carpet and we let all six pups run around from child to child – or be passed around. Everyone was oohing and aahing over the cuties.

This is a lot of stimulation for a little pup, seeing so many new faces and having to cope with a fair bit of noise. And at not yet 6 weeks old, their periods of energetic play still tend to be fairly short. So within about 15 minutes of being in the Grade 4 classroom the pups were pooped out, and started to flop down on the carpet or in the kids’ arms and doze off. After 25 minutes again, we put them back in the crate where they all just flopped in a tired puppy pile and I took them back home, where Mama sniffed them over and they took a quick drink before falling into a sleepy pile once more.

These pups did marvellously well with the experience. We didn’t hear any squeaking or crying from frightened pups. There was a bit of trembling out of nervousness, but it didn’t last and every single one of them was very happy to go meet all the children and didn’t show any fear or anxiety at all the hands reaching out for them. I’m impressed at their gentleness and quietness – I think they have all inherited their Mama’s gentle, friendly nature. 

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