Thursday, 16 June 2011

It's about time!!!

Sorry for the long absence... It's been a hectic few weeks. (Is it ever not?!?)

The puppies are now just shy of four weeks old and boy have they changes!!

Their eyes have been open for about ten days. Their ears opened around the same time, so they are now able to hear and see!  Vision is still somewhat blurry, but their ears are becoming keener. Above all, they have legs!!! I mean, usable legs. Early on they crawled like little alligators, with legs splayed off to the side. But now they have gotten their legs underneath them, so they can walk and are starting to run. they are still a bit wobbly, so occasionally they just tumble over and then sometimes lie there flailing a little before getting their feet under themselves again.

It is so sweet to watch them beginning to play and be sociable. Two of the them might mouth each other, or one bat the other with his paws, or they might just tumble into one another. Grandma Amore gets playful with them from time to time - and thankfully Mama Garnet doesn't mind.

They do still spend most of their time sleeping, but the periods of playfulness are becoming more frequent and longer. Go pups, go!

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