Garnet's five puppies are growing well. They are edging towards double their birth weights - another 2-3 days should do it - and are getting fat and round and snuggly. With their eyes and ears still closed and their little legs still underdeveloped for the size of their bodies, they still resemble fat little gophers more than puppies. But we see them crawling around using the alligator walk (i.e. with legs splayed to the sides rather than underneath them) which is enough for them to get to Mama Garnet when they are hungry and they can smell her presence.
Corona Borealis
They spend most of their time sleeping, eating and pooping, but when we pick them up they will snuggle into the crook of our elbow or into our neck. Corona and Lyra seem to be the calmest of the bunch and they are also now the smallest and biggest - Lyra has passed borther Antares in weight!
By next Saturday some of them may have their eyes open. That is the first milestone in their development.
There's always one who marches to a different drummer...!
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