Wednesday 8 April 2015

Galena ultrasound - Disappointing news

Galena had her ultrasound yesterday afternoon, and the news is very disappointing. It would seem that the artificial insemination didn't take and she is not pregnant. (And that means there will be no winner in the Galena edition of the Guess How Many Puppies contest, as there are no puppies...)

This happens sometimes, though it's a first for us. Every other time we've bred, whether by natural breeding or artificial insemination,  we've had a successful pregnancy. A couple of times there have been fewer puppies than we would have liked, but never zero!

We have no real explanation for why. We did everything right - did four progesterone (hormone) tests to pinpoint the best date for insemination; got quality sperm from the intended stud, did a trans-cervical insemination (which delivers the sperm right to the uterus, for best results) - but to no avail.

If you were interested in a Galena puppy, it will unfortunately not happen this summer. We intend to breed Galena on her next heat in fall (likely September for November puppies ready to go home in January 2016) and will probably try Jackson again as we were (are) really looking forward to Galena-Jackson pups. So you could wait for that litter or switch to one of Topaz's puppies - her ultrasound is on April 24 and we can't have bad news both times, can we!?!!

My daughter thought she saw a heartbeat on the ultrasound, but I'm more inclined to trust my vet's experienced eye over that of an untrained onlooker. Still, we joked about how her Guardians might wake up on May 8 or 9 to find a wee mewling bundle nestled next to mama... we can dream, can't we?

Keep your fingers crossed for better news with Topaz in 17 days...

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