Wednesday 12 March 2014

Final stages of puppy development

Phoenix's gestation period is almost over. Now at 8 weeks, the puppies could be born any time and be viable.

During week 7, development of organs is almost complete. From now on the main focus is gaining size and weight to give them a better chance at survival outside the womb.Near the end of week 7 the bones calcify and can be seen on an x-ray.

By the end of week 8 the pups have sprouted fur. They have completed their prenatal development and are ready for birth. A few organs - notably eyes and ears - continue to develop for up to 2 weeks post-partum, but otherwise they are all there. It's getting pretty crowded and we can see movement in the form of ripples along the belly when the pups move inside, and feel their little bodies - especially the heads. They have maneuvered into position for optimal birth - mostly head-first, but feet-first is also not uncommon and not dangerous for pups (it's being born with the spine to the bottom instead of top that can be problematic).
Late foetal development
 Phoenix is noticeably uncomfortable now. She is getting ready to give birth - nosing around the house, snuffling and pawing at blankets. We will be setting the whelping box up in the next couple of days so she can get used to it and know where to go when the big day comes.

Stay tuned for a birth announcement any day now!

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