Wednesday 30 March 2011

Three weeks old!!

The pups are growing bigger and stronger by the day. On Monday they each experienced a huge weight gain - 90g for Malachite Teddy and 80g for Galena. That means Galena is now pushing 1300g and Teddy is approaching 1100g - bigger than any pups we've had so far, even bigger than Carnelian, the big boy from our last litter!

We are seeing more signs of playfulness all the time. These still come in sporadic, short bursts, followed by long naps, as most of the pups' energy is going into growing (see above!) but they show that they are increasingly aware of each other, their Mama, and the world around them. On Monday morning my daughter put a little music box - the wind-up kind that plays a single tune - beside the whelping box and got it going. The pups showed great curiosity, sticking their noses over the edge of the box opening and looking at this strange thing, and they even started "singing" along with little squeaks and yips. It was too cute!

On Sunday afternoon we put them on the hardwood/vinyl floor and they tried walking on that surface. As their little legs are still underdeveloped compared to their bodies, they were having a hard time actually standing and walking on the slippery surface. They ended up scuttling forward with the alligator walk they tended to use exclusively when they were just days old.

Little Malachite Teddy had a bit more success getting his legs under his body and keeping them there while taking a step or two. In this picture you can see that Teddy's fur is not totally straight any more but is starting to develop a few little waves. His coat will continue to get more wavy/curly as it grows.

But Galena was mostly on her tum...

... or trying to make it over to my daughter!

This is Mama Momo (Amore), taking a break from nursing hungry pups on a soft mound of stuffies beside the whelping box.

And here she is enjoying some cuddles from her good friend. Mamas need cuddles too!

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