Monday, 27 June 2016

One (and a half) week old!!

The puppies are growing well. Some of their eyes are starting to crack open - right on time at the 10-day mark yesterday! By next weekend all the eyes and ears should all be pretty much open, though vision (and hearing) stays fuzzy for a while as the brain learns to interpret what the eyes take in. 

My original estimate of these puppies' size - based stricly on parent weights - was that they could be from 20-40 lbs, as Harmony is 20 but Hugo is closer to 40. However, I am revising that estimate downward now, based on the pups' birth weights and growth patterns to date. I'd say some may be below 20 lbs, and likely 30lbs at the high end. They weren't the smallest pups we've ever had - fiarly average - but are gaining weight at a slower rate than Phoenix's did!!

So far two of these pups are reserved, with continuing interest coming in. I'm sure they'll all be taken by the beginning of August!!

Here are some pictures: 

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