Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Guess How Many Puppies - Galena edition

Since Galena has been bred, we can open up another edition of the Guess How Many Puppies contest – this time for Galena.

I hope that people will be somewhat more adventurous with their guesses, so we actually have a correct number guess! Galena’s first litter was six, her second was eight, and her third was six. So I’d say guesses of 5, 6, 7 or 8 would all be in line. (Possibly also 4 and 9, though less likely.) Remember, each member of a family can enter their own guess, so Mom could guess 5, kid #1 could guess 6, Dad could guess 7 and kid #2 could guess 8 (for example) to spread out your chances of winning. (Of course, the winner might need to take the whole family out to Timmy’s to celebrate…)

To the number of puppies, you need to add your best guess as to the date and time that the first puppy will be born (to pick the winner among all those that guess 8, for example). As I noted in my last post, her actual due date is July 26, but she tends to be two or three days early, so July 23 or 24 might be good dates to guess. But then, she took her time going into heat this time (eight months instead of six or seven) and once she was in heat, she didn’t “ripen” for ten days (as opposed to four) so who knows, she might be our first dog to whelp after her due date. (Ha ha! Just to keep things exciting.) In which case guesses of 27 or 28 might be apt!! All her first pups have arrived in the afternoon.

So, guess away!! You have until the date of her ultrasound (likely around June 24) to submit your guesses.

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