Wow! Six weeks old already! The pups are more and more active, energetic, playful and lively. Over the past week they have had several outdoor adventures in the grassy field nearby. The first time they were remarkably adventurous; the second time they had a good time playing hard in the grass and then flopped down and slept, with their people right close at hand.
Phoenix is starting to wean them. While they still nurse several times a day (and night), it is less and less frequent and for shorter durations each time. On the other hand, they have now graduated from puppy mush to regular kibble with soft food mixed in. Their teeth (canines and incisors) are well in now, in just two weeks, though of course they are still getting more teeth (molars). For the next two months these teeth will finish coming in; then at four months of age the baby teeth will start to fall out and adult teeth come in until the whole process is completed at around eight months of age.

Four of these puppies now have homes. We still have one pet puppy available (though are hopeful it will soon be reserved!) and need one more Guardian Home for the male that we will be keeping from this litter. That is good news, because Topaz's puppies will be arriving on the scene in less than two weeks (appx May 10) and we want to have all these puppies go home as soon as possible to make way for the next bunch! A couple weeks' overlap is not a big issue, as the new little pups will be confined to the whelping box with Mama until they are about three weeks old. Ideally, all Phoenix's pups will be gone by the Topaz's get mobile.
Over the next two weeks the pups will have more new experiences - vaccinations, temperament testing, spay/neuter... and then to their new homes! We'll keep you posted as all these events transpire.
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