Sweet little girl - avalable
This sweet girl is the tiniest of the litter and will mature to about 15-18 lbs. She is very quiet and calm and absolutely adores snuggling with her people. She play hard, though when her big brothers get a bit rough she'll duck out of the play. She has been on several outdor adventures and enjoys playing in the grass and leaves (or snow! - but be sure not to lose her as she blends in!) She is mostly white with a few small caramel marks on her back. She will be happy in a family with children (4+) or a couple or single who have lots of love to give, preferably where she is not alone too much as she has lots of love to give. We think she's adorable!
Big active boy - available
(yellow collar)
Active chocolate girl - available
This chocolate girl is a fairly active pup who loves to run, play, pounce, give kisses, and snuggle. She is generaly quiet and happy and is happy playing with her siblings, with her people, or just exploring on her own. She wil mature to about 18-22 lbs. Her dark chocolate coat is likely to fade as she gets older an turn a striking silver-cafe just like her mama. She is friendly and inquisitive and quite confident. She will do well in an active family with or without children and should be okay in a working family as long as she gets plenty of attention when her people are home.
Happy caramel girl - RESERVED
This girl is quite active but also a good listener and very friendly. She likes to play tug, ball, or pounce with her sibs. She is a pretty caramel colour that should not fade much (except in the sun!) with a cute white blaze on her forehead. She is quiet, happy, and a hard player. She will mature to about 18-22 lbs. She will do well in a family that is active and spends time playing outdoors, with or without children.
Big cuddly boy-RESERVED!
(black collar)
(Black diamond collar)
This is another big (but not quite so big) boy who will mature to 22-26 lbs when full grown. He is fairly quiet and laid-back, independent but snuggly, inquisitive but attentive to his people. He plays hard, runs fast, and sleeps well! This boy loves to snuggle but is not demanding of attention. He is a happy, content fella who will do well in a family with children (4+) or with a single or couple who are home eenings and weekends to spend time with him.