July Doodle Romp
The July Doodle Romp will be held this coming Sunday, 8 July, from 4-5pm. For this one, we`ll meet at our house and then proceed to romp through the nearby forest and fields. It’s an “accepted” off-leash area (i.e. not official, but all the neighbourhood dogs go off-leash in that area). We likely won’t meet up with too many other dogs, and this way our two remaining little pups can tag along too. It will good for them to meet a number of other dogs and people while they’re still in their prime socialization period.
At this point we are expecting Cassi, Galaxy, Carny & Galena, and Kodiak, along with their people, to join us with our five (Mo, Phoenix, Leo, Topaz & Obsidian “Sid”). Should be a nice gang!
June Doodle Romp
(All photos courtesy of Martin L.)
The June Doodle Romp occurred on Saturday, 23 June at 9:30 at Conroy Pit. We met Galaxy, Lily, Lyra, Carny and Galena, and their people. Mo & Phoenix joined in from the DragonRam household. It was a fine morning – sunny and hot but not excessively sweltering.
We stuck as much as possible to the forest trails, where the trees offered some relief from the sun. Occasional breaks for water (dogs and people) and just to chat kept us all refreshed. As it was so nice and nobody was in a big rush, we walked all the way to the bottom of the sliding hill and then back up the north side of the Pit, taking a good almost two hours to finish the circuit.
The dogs started out with lots of energy, running like crazy, playing tag, doing the wild and crazy circle run, and just generally having a blast. By the end of the Romp they were all worn out, walking quietly by us and not indulging in too many wild chases.
And here are a couple of videos of the dogs in action!
Future Romps
After July, the next Romp likely won’t be until late August or sometime in September, after we’re back from our summer holiday. Watch for a Doodle Poll after August 18th!
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