Amore just completed Agility Level II classes on Sunday 12
February. She had a super last class, performing the best she has since this
round of classes started! One of the other dogs picked a fight with her and
some of the others a couple of times – nothing major, but some unexpected
growling and snapping – which had seemed to cause her some anxiety. But this
last class she outdid herself, managing very well with all the obstacles
including the weave poles, which are the hardest to learn.

I'm getting dizzy with all this back-and-forthing!
Down I go!
Her forte is the dog walk (bridge) and A-frame. We think
it’s because every night she climbs the ladder – with some assistance – to get
into the top bunk of the bunk bed to sleep with my daughter. So climbing
heights is old hat for her!! She also loves the jumps. She started off quite
hesitant with the teeter, but by the end of the session she was doing okay –
still cautious, but willing to take it at a slow pace. For some reason she was
very hesitant with the tunnel this session after loving it in Agility I – who
knows why? But at the last class she performed all the obstacles very well and
with little hesitation.
Way to go, Mo!
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