It’s been almost two weeks since the last Doodle Romp! Earlier in the week, the forecast had been for a warm (+4) sunny day. That morning, however, dawned cloudy with a chance of rain (!) and not quite as warm as earlier predicted. We stuck to our plans, though, and met at 2:30 at the parking lot to Conroy Pit.
A total of 8 dogs joined in: our Amore, Aspen, and Garnet; Zirci whom we hadn’t seen since last summer and who has faded to a rich café colour and is now, at 16 months, a big boy of about 30 lbs; Lyra who is still as feisty and playful as ever; our lovely little black Cassi who’s now bigger than her Mama Garnet; Carni who enjoyed meeting up and romping with his bro’ Zirci; and Galena, who is still a dark chocolate and, as a graduate of Intermediate training, was now deemed responsible enough to be let off leash.
The day turned out to be quite a lovely one after all. One family met with a bit of rain/sleet on the drive down, but by the time we were all gathered it was a mix of sun and cloud, not too cold, and very little wind. We set off down the trail, taking one of the smaller paths to help keep our bunch together and keep the interference from other dogs to a minimum. The dogs were happy to see each other, playing tag, pouncing, engaging in mock battles, and generally having a ball.
When we approached the fork that would either lead us back to the main path or down towards the tobogganing hill, we chose the latter, longer route, seeing as the day was fine, the paths were good, and the dogs were still full of energy. By the tobogganing hill we leashed the dogs again to ensure they wouldn’t think chasing kids down the hill was a fun idea, and proceeded to climb the hill opposite the toboggan runs to begin the trek back.
By the time we reached the parking lot we’d been out for about an hour and the dogs were getting tired (and perhaps a bit cold). Before people headed on their way, everyone received a treat – a cupcake or pastry to celebrate my birthday!!
All in all it was a great time.
The next doodle romp is planned for Sunday, 12 February from 1:00-2:00pm.
We'll have another one in mid-March, date to be determined. Stay tuned!
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