We have three puppies from this litter still looking for their forever families.
DragonRam Cassiopeia
Cassiopeia, the first-born, is our black beauty! She is very petite and will likely mature to a similar size as her mother, perhaps just a tad larger - 12-15 lbs and 13-14" at the shoulder. She has large dark eyes in a soft square face. She is a quiet, calm girl, not prone to whining or making much of a fuss, but not fazed by new experiences either - witness her playfulness at meeting a classroom full of 8-year-olds, or being "treated" to a swim in a backyard pool. Cassi is a great kisser and loves to enjoy a nice cuddle on a lap, but she is also happy to play on her own. Cassi is a delightful girl and will make a great companion for a single person, couple or family.
DragonRam Corona Borealis
Corona, the middle pup, is a playful little imp. She is very beautiful, with dark black fur shot through with silver highlights, white hind paws, white hairs on the underside of her front paws, and a white chin and throat markings. Corona is also quite petite - she started out as the smallest but has now grown a bit bigger than her sister Cassi. Despite her small size, Corona does not let her brothers boss her around and tussles back with them energetically. She likes to crawl under the barrier separating the puppy corner from the people part of the house so that she can be with her people, though she has now grown enough that this is no longer possible (at least not without getting stuck!). She will make a good companion to an active single person, couple, or family.
DragonRam Helios
Helios (nickname Bowden), the last-born of this litter of five, does not let his status as youngest get in his way! He is the largest of the puppies and is likely to mature to about his Grandma Amore's size - 18-22 pounds and 15-16" at the shoulder. Helios is the most investigative and adventuresome of the puppies. When the others were still finding their legs at 3 weeks of age, Helios was out exploring the world on tottery limbs, frequently falling but continuing to explore his surroundings and figure out this big world around him. Helios will whine and squeal to let you know he wants attention, and then shower you with kisses when he gets it. He is most happy when playing with the children, the other puppies, or when out exploring the big wide world. Helios will make a wonderful companion for a family with children or a couple where there is someone at home a good part of the day.
I am hoping that the right family for each of these puppies will come along by mid-August, when we are taking our holidays!! We have a house- and dog-sitter lined up, but would prefer not to leave her with puppies to look after in addition to Amore.
Despite many inquiries, receipt of several application forms, and lots of e-mails, nobody (except Antares's daddy) has followed through with their expression of interest. I know there are many reasons for this, but it would just be nice to know why people aren't following through, especially if they have submitted an application form.
If you are one of those individuals who has called or sent an e-mail of inquiry, would you mind just dropping a line to roma@dragonramdoodles.com to tell me the reason you have chosen not to take one of these beautiful pups? Thanks!