Sunday, 26 June 2011


Now that the puppies are able to walk, run, see, and hear, we are starting to see their personalities coming through.

Helios (Lio or Bohden), the youngest, is the most adventuresome of the lot. He is always the first one out to explore, wandering farther and staying out longer than his siblings as he noses his way from spot to spot, discovering his world and learning his place in it.

Corona Borealis (Corona), the middle pup and the smallest, is also fairly adventuresome and very playful.

Lyra, the youngest female and one of the biggest puppies, is a bit lazy and complacent. She’ll be the last one up and the first one napping, but when she plays she does it with gusto! (She’s the only one without a nickname as her name is already short and easy.)

Antares (Tarry or Tigger) is another boisterous male who is curious and friendly.

Last but not least, Cassiopeia (Cassie) is a playful girl who doesn’t attract a lot of attention but enjoys playing with Grandma Amore in particular.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

At the dog park

Earlier this week we took the puppies to the dog park for a visit. Seeing as they haven't yet had their vaccinations, we didn't let them wander around, but put some blankets on the ground, set the puppy playpen up on the blankets, and let them play there while we threw the ball for Garnet close by.

So what's the point of taking puppies to a dog park when they can't run around? Mainly it's socialization. Puppies need to be socialized to all kinds of new situations, new people, new dogs, new objects, new locations, etc etc. The more you introduce them to new things as puppies, the more they will become accustomed to new things and view them as "ordinary" rather than things to be afraid of. Many, many dog bits are the result of a fear reaction, so if we can work to eliminate the fear reaction - or at least significantly tone it down - when they are puppies, then they will grow into secure, confident dogs for whom doing new stuff is pretty blase.

We had a good dozen or so people stop by the playpen to say hi and cuddle the puppies, and many dogs who came up and sniffed at them through the grate. So they got to see big dogs, small dogs, white dogs, black dogs, brown dogs, male dogs, female dogs - and lots of different kinds of people, too. That's another dozen "strangers" to put on the introduction list!

Friday, 24 June 2011

Puppy kindergarten - or make that Grade 2 and Grade 5

We took the puppies to school today. Three of the pups visited my daughter's Grade 5 classroom in the morning, and another three visited my son's Grade 2 class in the afternoon. (Meaning one puppy got to go both places!)

Introducing puppies to lots of strangers is highly recommended as a means of helping them get used to meeting new people and reacting to it in a positive fashion. They will learn that strangers aren't anything to be scared of, and might even view them as cool new people to play with!

I also try to use the time to educate the kids a little bit about puppies, dogs, how to say hi, good ways to play, etc. People who know how to approach dogs and aren't scared of them will also help dogs not to be scared or react badly to meeting strangers.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Chow time and teeth!

We have started feeding the puppies some puppy gruel over the past week. They are very keen! I mix up our own gruel from a combination of goat’s milk, cooked sweet potato, egg yolk, oil, probiotic yogurt, and baby oatmeal.
The puppies very much enjoy their gruel. (I’ve tasted it too and it’s not bad!!) The first time they were a bit uncertain about it, but we just poked their noses in and of course they then lick themselves to get that wet stuff off their noses and in so doing discover that it tastes good! By now they don’t need any hints, they gather around when we bring the pan out and chow down.

Of course, being puppies, they are just as inclined to walk through their food as to eat it, so we generally end up with very messy puppies after feeding time. We wipe them down, but Mama Garnet and Grandma Amore are quite happy to help with the cleaning up!

We are starting to feel little bumps along the puppies gumlines, indicative that teeth are starting to come! A couple of the pups already have sharp, pointy white spots poking through. That means they are VERY keen on chewing all kinds of things. “Mouthing” is more the word for the time being, as they have nothing much to chew with yet, but it’s coming fast! Generally the canines are the teeth that come in first (no wonder, them being dogs and all...) followed by the incisors (middle teeth) and eventually molars (at the back).

With their new teeth, we will soon be adding more solid stuff to the food we give them. Not really "solid" yet, but lumpier. We'll start by increasing the amount of tinned food, and also soaking the puppy kibble to soften it.

They're already eager to eat Mama's or Grandma's food if given half a chance. We see them standing over the bowl, mostly picking out the soft bits but also working at the bits of kibble with their gums to soften it enough to swallow. We do need to be careful, though, as they are still small enough they could choke on a piece of kibble if it was too big.

Soon, too, Mama Garnet will not be so keen on letting them nurse - those pointy white teeth can hurt!! So within a few weeks they'll be pretty much weaned.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

One month old! (And comments on colour)

Yesterday the puppies celebrated their one month-i-versary!!! In the past 31 days they have about quadrupled their birth weight, opened their eyes and ears, started walking, grown a first tooth, and started to eat “solid” food (well, it’s still pretty mushy…) They are beginning to explore their world and learning to interact with other dogs and humans. They’re good for a lot of laughs! In just one more month they’ll be ready to head to new home, new families, and new adventures!

A few comments on colour:

We're seeing some interesting markings on Antares, our black male. It almost looks like he might be brindle, except that the banding in his fur is more grey/silver than tan. When we lift up his fur, the roots and base seem to be lighter grey coloured too, not black. Maybe it's the fading/silver gene, and he's going to end up silver or blue???

Corona is showing some similar banding, though not as much as Tarry. I'm beginning to have doubts that she's phantom - the paler line along her butt seems to be disappearing, though one one her chest is not. She is still really cute with her white paws, though!

Our Cassie (Cassiopeia) is pure black, with no markings.

Little Helios also shows interesting colouration. He has a definite white exclamation mark down his head and forehead, and an almost a tuxedo pattern of lighter/darker fur in his coat. His paws and belly are very pale, while his back and head are darker. He's almost the most phantom-looking of the bunch, but he's cream!

For her part, Lyra is mostly an even caramel colour, not too much variation in her fur, but she's developing curls more than some of the others.

I'll add some better photos as soon as ai get a chance.
Each and every one of them is cute as pie!

Thursday, 16 June 2011

It's about time!!!

Sorry for the long absence... It's been a hectic few weeks. (Is it ever not?!?)

The puppies are now just shy of four weeks old and boy have they changes!!

Their eyes have been open for about ten days. Their ears opened around the same time, so they are now able to hear and see!  Vision is still somewhat blurry, but their ears are becoming keener. Above all, they have legs!!! I mean, usable legs. Early on they crawled like little alligators, with legs splayed off to the side. But now they have gotten their legs underneath them, so they can walk and are starting to run. they are still a bit wobbly, so occasionally they just tumble over and then sometimes lie there flailing a little before getting their feet under themselves again.

It is so sweet to watch them beginning to play and be sociable. Two of the them might mouth each other, or one bat the other with his paws, or they might just tumble into one another. Grandma Amore gets playful with them from time to time - and thankfully Mama Garnet doesn't mind.

They do still spend most of their time sleeping, but the periods of playfulness are becoming more frequent and longer. Go pups, go!