Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Trick or Treat!

Some of the pups got into the costumes...

   Happy Halloween!  

And remember... leave your dog at home, so it doesn' get scared by all the strange people in weird costumes.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Meet the puppies

In this post we will give you a brief description of each of the puppies.

First, the chocolate female: She is very friendly and loves giving kisses.She is very active and adventurous - she will not hesitate to explore anything. She i also quie uiet and wil not whine to get attention.

The chocolate parti girl is next. She is a  bit shy at first, but quickly gets over it and also lkes givng kisses but not as much as her sisters.When she was a litle puppy she was very noisy but since she started walking she has gotten very quiet - we think he just wanted to be mobile!! In new situations she askes a few moments to get her bearings before becoming comfortable with her surroundings.

The third puppy is the caramel female She is one of the smaller pups and is very very active, rambunctious nd excited. She is an adventurous and playful girl who never stops running when she is awake. She is an extreme kisser and is has a lovely sweet temperament.

The first boy is strong, cute, has a good build, is sweet and somewhat independent - he doesn't always need to hang out with the rest of the pack. 

Then we have the first  aramel parti girl who is also petite, cute, sociable, good-tempered and playful. She will fight back with her brothers and sisters - if you bite me, I'll bite you!! But in a fun way, of course.

Then wen we have the second boy who is quite independent minded and very inquisitive. He is a very playful just like his two tiny sisters. His is one of the most kiss puppies and very snugly. he always lets you know when he wants attention and is very vocal about it!

The second caramel part girl is very cute and doesn't have many spots so we  call her Angel as she is mostly all white - and very very beautiful.  She adventurous like her caramel parti sister but not so bold. She is a little bigger than that sister but one of our smaller pups.

Finally, the last boy is is a real people puppy - whenever we go into the puppy corner to play he is right there wanting to be picked up, petted, played with  and cuddled. You can barely turn around witout him beingthere, butting out his brothers and isters to be sure to get (more tha) his air share of people time. For al hat, he doesn't insist on attention when you are not in the corner with them.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013


first picnic

I would like to start off with a caveat / apology – I had eye surgery in early September and recovery is taking longer than anticipated which is the primary reason for the lack of updates on the blog and website – I simply cannot see very well yet, which makes doing anything on the computer difficult. We have implemented Windows’ built-in accessibility features for low vson and these are helpful but not quite sufficient. Eve with them, I tire quickly working on screen. However, thins do seem to be slowly improving so I am hopeful I will be able to post more frequent updates henceforth.

Secondly, my keyboard has gotten “sticky” and doesn’t respond to every keystroke I make, especially when  get typing fast, so soe of the words might be missing letters -  will ry to make as many corrections as I can but I might miss some, so please forgive me! As for photos, I really ca’t tell which ones are in focus and which not, so some of them migt not be that great. For my last post I had my kids’ help, but this time I am going it solo as they are at school and it is challenging to find time after homework and dinner and a bit of play time for them to lend a hand at this too (though somehow they usualy find 30 inutes or more to play X-box or watch YouTube!!)

Finally, those of you who have received bizarre e-mails from me – I’ve been using my iPhone for e-mail as the settings make it easier to read text than on the compjter, but I seem to have “auto-orrection” turned on in a couple of languages, and it is actually auto-miscorrecting (!!!) so I had some weird things going out before I realized the problem and started proofreading to make sure  e-mails made ense!!!

Okay, enough of that – on to puppies! They turned a month old on Sunday and are real little dogs now! They’ve found their feet and are happily scurrying around the puppy corner on the vinyl floor, wagging their little tails and squaking to let us know they want food or attention.

Galena is stl nursing frequently but we are also starting to feed thems some puppy mush to supplement the milk and get them used to other food. As their teeth grow in we will decrease the mushiness of the food and let it stay more and moe solid until they are eating straight kibble by the time they go home in late October. All of them have at least the beginings of their upper canines poking through by now, ad a few have a couple of incisors and molars sarting to appear too. This, of course, is what makes it more and more uncomfortable for Galena to nurse tem – who likes to be chewed on the niples??? So the fod we give the pup wil be less “supplement” and more “that’s it” as time progreses.

With the lovely fall weather we are enjoying these ays, we took the pups outside to play in a nearby grassy area on Sunday afternoon. At fist they were a bit uncertain of this new strange sensation under their feet, but it didn’t take long for them to start exploring a bit and playing in the green grass. Mama came along to supervise (and so she would’t get anxious ifher babies all disappeared into te great unknown without her). We spent about 20 minutes outside and had a grand time! As the weather continues nice we will take them outside more. By Thanksgiving I expect we will be able to have some fall leaf play – alays a fun activity!!

Now is the time when we start seing more of their personalities coming through, too – which nes are more adventurous , more cuddly, more playful, etc. I wilprovide you with some specific descriptions next post.

Reminder that I would appreciate phone calls these days (tjoug I am now checking e-ail more regularly. If you do e-mail and don’t get a response within 2 days, plase call 613-552-3066 or 613-260-3447.